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In times ne'er too distant and places not far,
       Two sisters lived richly in two castle tow’rs,
All comforts provided, protected and kept
       By huge castle walls as the sisters two slept.
Each dreamt of a life where her hopes would be found;
       One knew she couldn't reach hers; one lived hers out now.

For sister the second, she wanted no more
       Than riches and comforts and men at her door,
But sister the first, with an eye t’ward the dawn,
       Left comfort and wealth and e’er since has been gone,
For riches and comforts and pleasures of men
       She knew would not last past her life's fateful end.

So, tragic and blessèd, they both reached their goals,
       And what they each strove for was marked on their souls:
Young sister the second ne'er suffered a pain,
       Nor trial nor loss till she lay in the grave;
Vast kingdoms she ruled from two towers on high,
       And such was her glory the day that she died.

Yet no books were written of sister the first,
       Who left all behind to pursue her deep thirst,
Save one beggar’s poem, a mirror so small
       Of God's book of life, where this sister stands tall,
Where stories of poorest and widowed and lame
       For pages eternal still sing of her name.

Still not for these stories, nor souls that were saved,
       Could sister the first earn the grace that God gave;
The riches in heaven, her hope all along,
       She welcomed as gifts from the hand of her God.
Yea both of the sisters to dust did return,
       But one soul lives on, thus our lesson to learn:

For after have passed all the kingdoms of lore,
       This poem alone does her sister record.

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